Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Basketball, murder, an everlasting mystery


  1. From Doug Ireland: What a sad story, and compelling. Thanks for sharing. As inexplicable murders do, this reminded me of what happened to Kent Heitholt. The evil doers walked away.

  2. From Bud Dean: Thanks. I’m glad that you wrote it.

  3. From Tahita Fulkerson: Interesting story, well written. makes readers want to read chapter 2, about some good police work that found the killer.

  4. From Frank Bright: Thanks for your usual good job. I now feel like I knew the guy. Of course I knew some of those you quote. The work you did getting those quotes paid off in helping make a really good piece.
    I should send you the three-minute speech on “Life Isn’t Fair” that I gave at the C.E.Byrd High School graduation of our younger son in 1996. When asked to do it, I told the then-principal, Lynn Fitzgerald, that she was taking a risk letting a FPHS grad “have the floor.”😀

  5. From Eddie Whitten: Very interesting article. I don’t remember this incident nor Bill Dunn, but I found the article to be so interesting and well articulated by you.

  6. From Wally Rugg: Good job, as usual, my friend.
    You're great at telling a story about someone -- warts and all -- with a balanced perspective that helps the reader come away with a feeling they know the person (in this case, Bill) just a little bit better. And that's whether they knew him or not.
    Thanks for the story. And the memories of those competitions so many years ago. I had not even remembered that Neville had finished second in the league and had that good a record until you wrote about it. (Maybe I didn't want to remember those [guys] being that good. LOL)

  7. From Al Miller: I’ll never understand why. Lot of misguided people.
