Monday, August 1, 2022

That's the old ballgame, Shreveport -- a book for sale!

           Happy to announce That's the old ballgame, Shreveport has been published, and is now for sale.

      I have the first three copies -- they arrived today -- and can tell you that the type is large enough for easy reading.
       It is 231 pages of Shreveport and North Louisiana pro baseball history. Many photos and capsules on the players and officials significant to the teams that represented Shreveport, the city's ballparks, and the area players who played pro ball -- in the majors and minor leagues.
       When people suggest that writing this book has been "a labor of love," they are correct.
       Loved doing it, the writing and even moreso the research. Proofreading was a task. To the final read, there were corrections to make.
       And, yes, it was a labor. Putting together the book -- formatting it -- took the first seven months of 2022. No technical wizardry here; let's say that the Publisher and Word programs often were more in charge than the formatter.
       But with lots of help, it is done. Thankfully.
       Going back even further, the project began four years as a series of chapters on my blog, Once A Knight. But much material was updated and corrected, and there are many more photos than in the blog series.
        While finishing up in the past couple of months, three of the 1959-61 Shreveport Sports passed away -- Dave Wickersham, Frank Cipriani and the popular Leo Posada. Sad, but all were in their 80s. We updated their player capsules.  
       So many great names in this book, many great memories ... and the issues that led to the demise of pro ball in the city. 
       Two ways to buy the book:
       (1) You can buy the book on Amazon ($35 per copy, plus shipping costs);
       (2) Preferably, you can buy the book from me. Let me know, and I will order it and then send it to you (send $35 and your mailing address).
       (To be honest, we benefit more if you order through me. Amazon Publishing, which printed the book, gets a greater share with a direct order.)
       But who's counting?
       Here is the link to the Amazon order page, if that's the way you want to go:
       Hope you will be interested in the book.