Friday, November 13, 2020

A tough, old Marine: a story to be told

          I was asked to write this for Veterans Day, and it was my pleasure. This is a man who much deserves to be recognized. Art is a 97-year-old, 30-year Marine (WW II, Korea, Vietnam). Great life, wonderful story. 


  1. From Ken Knight: Great piece. Art is a remarkable man and deserves the recognition.

  2. From Jack Brown: Thanks for filling in “a few” of the details. Our real heroes never brag; their real life stories have to be told for them.

  3. From Annette Wells: What a great read! Thank you so much for writing it, and Art for living it. I read the booklet Trinity Terrace put out for Veterans Day and it blew me away ... the greatest generation indeed.

  4. From Debbie Aulenbacher: As always, you wrote a beautiful and moving piece. Thank you for sending it to me. If you have time, ask Arthur to loan you his DVD he has of his interview about World War II and other adventures. It is terrific.

  5. From Glenn Pannell: This is great. Thanks so much for sharing.
    I was privileged to get the Welcome Committee assignment to make the initial call on Art when he arrived in 2017 so we've been acquainted since "Year One."
    Neat guy ... great patriot!

  6. From Susan Kneten: Thank you so much for sharing Art’s story. He and I met soon after we moved in and had breakfast together. I was also delighted to meet his son that same morning.

  7. From Bill Thrash: Quite a story. It troubles me that today's youth seems to not have the patriotic mentality that so many of the WWII guys had.
    Thanks for the column. It was enjoyable. If you get a chance, tell him "thank you" and that a guy from Louisiana who he's never met is pulling for him.

  8. From Ronny Walker: Thank you for writing and sharing this “Great American’s” story. I forwarded it to my 19-year-old Marine grandson and his Marine stepdad. So encouraging for dedication and love for America ... and people.

  9. From Tommy Youngblood: This story is what makes America a unique and wonderful place. Great piece of writing. It just cannot be retold often enough so no one ever forgets what these young men did for the world.

  10. From Pat Holley: What a life. Thanks for sharing his story.

  11. From Jimmy Russell: What a great piece about a great man and his family. He is a true American hero. Hope he is doing well even with the problems that go with his age.

  12. From Stan Tiner: Very nice piece, but you know I’m a sucker for old Marine lore.
