Monday, November 20, 2017

The mythical athletic world of Phil Robertson

       When it comes to his athletic career, reality star Phil Robertson -- the famed "Duck Commander" -- is not very real.
       But he and his family are real good at spreading myths. Such as (1) he was All-State in football, baseball and track; (2) he was a major-college recruit; and (3) he had NFL potential as a quarterback.
       The first part: no, no, no.
       Major prospect: doubtful.
       The NFL? Oh, please. No way.
       Quickly: I pay very little attention to anything ol' Phil or his relatives have to say.   
       He is as far-right conservative as one can get, and I don't travel in that direction. His brand of religion isn't mine; his social and political views ... not interested. 
       The TV shows, videos and books about him and his Duck Dynasty family ... no thanks.
       But I checked for one aspect: athletics. That's because I was around for Phil's time at North Caddo High -- 30 miles north of Shreveport -- and Louisiana Tech University. 
       We saw Phil from the opposing side in high school; we compiled the game and season stats in football as student assistant in sports information for most of the three seasons he played at Tech.
       But what I've seen and heard from Phil & Sons is about as far from true as the length of Terry Bradshaw's longest pass (that might've carried 80-85 yards) or his national-record javelin throw in high school (244 feet, 11 inches).
      I wrote about Phil and Terry 4 1/2 years ago, so I will try not to repeat much of that. 
     So why write this piece now? It is admittedly a nitpicking, innocuous exercise ... except it is like finding a resume' that is greatly exaggerated. 
      It irks me to read and hear what I know is not so.
      Phil's athletics bio and story-telling are -- I saw this term in a book I am reading -- "stretchers."  
      I wrote some of this two years ago, but held off because I could not verify what I recalled. Now having checked microfilm of the 1960s Shreveport Times, I can tell you this:
     Myth No. 1: Phil Robertson not only was not All-State in football, he wasn't 1-AA all-district. He was honorable mention.
     (Fred Haynes of Minden was all-district, having led his team to an undefeated state championship. Then he was a starter at LSU).
     Phil might have pitched for North Caddo -- as his sons will tell you -- and he did make all-district in '64 ... as an outfielder. But the special baseball players in Class AA in our area, the All-State guys -- five of them -- were at Jesuit (state champs) and Ruston (two, one a future major leaguer).
     He did throw the javelin, and he did make it to the state meet. But he was second in the district meet two years in a row (a Minden athlete beat him both years), third in the '64  regional, fourth in the state meet ... and not All-State. He was not Terry Bradshaw in the javelin, not close.
     Myth No. 2: A Sports Illustrated "Campus Union" story dated March 22, 2012, says: "... Robertson said he fielded offers to join the football programs at LSU, Ole Miss, Baylor and Rice."
     Can't disprove it, but it is highly doubtful. He wasn't that good as a high school QB, and I suspect Louisiana Tech was his best offer.
      I can tell you that we had five talented QBs in the 1960s at our school that Phil could envy: three signed major-college scholarships (LSU and Arkansas); the other two signed with Tech. Three were drafted by pro football teams.
      One started ahead of Phil at Tech; the other backed up Phil, but went on and won four Super Bowls.  
      Phil ducked his football career.
      A lot of us sensed, early in 1968, that when Bradshaw's potential blossomed -- it soon did -- he would replace Phil as Tech's starting QB. My opinion: Phil sensed that, too. Losing was not fun, and he loved duck hunting.
     Myth No. 3: A tryout with the Redskins.
     It is so ludicrous, it is laughable. It is a joke. Nothing about it adds up. It is Phil at his BS-ing best.
     He talks about this on a Sports Spectrum TV segment posted (March 25, 2013) on YouTube.
      A transcript (found through a Google search) of the video follows:
      So Robertson left football and, the following season, he hunted ducks while completing his degree.  
      A year or so later, though, a former Louisiana Tech teammate, running back Bob Brunet, was with the Redskins and thought Robertson could still make the team. Brunet told Robertson to come up and he would likely be the backup and earn about $60,000.
      “At the time, $60,000 didn’t seem like a whole lot even in the ’60s,” says Phil, who worked as a teacher for a few years after earning his degree from Louisiana Tech and then earned his master’s degree in education, with a concentration in English. 
       “I said, ‘I don’t know about that. I would miss duck season, you know? I’d have to be up there in some northern city.’ I said, ‘Brunet, you think I’d stay?’ He said, ‘I doubt it. You’d probably leave with the ducks, Robertson.’ I said, ‘Probably so.’”
      “That’s when (future Hall of Fame coach Vince) Lombardi went to Washington for a few years right before he quit coaching. …What (Brunet) said was, ‘We got this hot dog, Robertson, but you can beat him out easy.’ I said, ‘Who’s the hot dog?’ He said, ‘You’re not going to beat out (future Hall of Famer Sonny) Jurgenson. You’re not going to beat him out, but this hot dog, his backup, no problem.’ I said, ‘Who is he?’ He said, ‘Joe Theismann.’"
     Phil paused, smiled, then chuckled, recalling the conversation and how good Theismann became—a Super Bowl XVII champion, NFL MVP, and a two-time All-Pro and Pro Bowl selection.
     “(Brunet) said, ‘No problem, we’ve got him, hands down.’
     ‘I may do it,’” Phil recalls says. “But I didn’t do it. I stayed with the ducks. But looking back on it, who knows if I’d gone up there, you know, I might not have ever run up on Jesus at 28.”
       Now, the truth, the facts:
       -- Lombardi coached one season (1969) in Washington. Brunet never played a regular-season game with Lombardi as coach. In fact, he quit the team.
       Robert was the best back (when not hurt) we had at Tech in my time there (1965-68 seasons), a two-time all-conference player. The Redskins drafted him, and as a rookie in 1968, he had the second-most carries on the team. The coach that season was Otto Graham.
       After Lombardi came in -- having sat out one season following his Green Bay retirement -- Brunet did not take to his fierce coaching style.
       (The Great Coach was the opposite of the dignified soft-spoken legendary Tech coach Joe Aillet, and the head coach in Robert's senior season, Maxie Lambright, was a quiet man, too, more intense than Aillet but nothing like Vince.)
       So Brunet left and sat out the 1969 season, the time of Phil's story. 
       Robert did return to the Redskins in the spring of 1970, with Lombardi still there. But in June, Lombardi's fast-spreading cancer was found, and he never returned to coaching. He died before the season kicked off. 
       So Bill Austin was Brunet's head coach in '70, and George Allen came in '71 (and Brunet was a standout special-teams player for him into the 1977 season).           
       -- Jurgensen did not start much in 1971 through 1973. He was injured a lot and then the backup to Billy Kilmer (including a hapless Super Bowl against the "perfect" Miami Dolphins, 1972 season).
       -- Jurgensen and Theismann were on the same Redskins team only in 1974. The "hot dog" -- after three years in Canadian football -- barely played that year. Kilmer started 10 games (and got hurt); Jurgensen started four (and a playoff game). 
         By then, Phil had been out of football seven years. 
         And if I have the timing correctly, Phil's downward spiral hit in the early 1970s, and he soon was drinking and rowdy and split from his family for a time -- not exactly headed for the NFL. Then he found religion.
         Don't remember religion being a factor for Phil at Tech. His religion was hunting and fishing. In fact, Bradshaw had more of a religious leaning (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) then than Phil. 
          So maybe Phil and Brunet had a conversation about him playing for the Redskins. But, good gosh, what Phil tells makes no sense.
         He's told it so often, though -- and written it -- and his sons talk about him being All-State and "turning down a chance to play professional football," and they all believe it now ... and want the world to believe it.
         Our lack of success in 1966 and 1967 wasn't all Phil's doing; the teams weren't sound. But the QBs were not difference makers.
         As a passer, Phil did have a quick release -- Bradshaw has mentioned that often in interviews -- and he had a decent arm. But not a great arm, like Terry. 
         Pro potential? Hardly. Alan, Jase and Willie -- the sons -- can twist it the way they want and repeat the un-truth.
         NFL teams were not going to be interested in a guy who quit before his senior season -- "to chase the ducks, not the bucks" as he likes to say -- and who in two years as a starter threw 32 interceptions (nine TD passes) and led his teams to three wins (Bradshaw, as a freshman sub, was the star of the only 1966 victory).
         It was nice of Tech to invite Phil back for a September 2013 game, reunited with Terry, and to honor him. But it was for his notoriety (and ducks success), not for his football past.
        Give Phil and the Robertsons credit for inventiveness, ingenuity, creativity, self-promotion ... and a duck dynasty.
        They have millions of reasons -- and dollars -- to be happy, happy, happy. And I'm happy to provide the truth on Phil as an athlete.
        He is out "in the woods" on so much (that's the name of his new show on CRTV, a subscription-only channel. No subscription here, thank you).
         The promotion, which I am not looking for but which is popping up regularly on my computer, says, " ... just truth, from Phil's mouth to your screen."
         Phil's truth, not ours. If he tells you he was All-State in three sports or an NFL quarterback prospect, don't believe him.
         God-appointed messenger? You decide.
         Reminds me of a friend who used to joke, "Any man who says he runs his household will lie about a lot of other things, too."



  1. From John Ridge: Good article. I had to chuckle a bit. A while back, after hearing Phil make his claim on TV for the umpteenth time, I looked up and saw that he didn't remotely approach being All-State in high school. But traveling in North Caddo circles, I simply kept it under my hat, as people are proud of him and his family and will believe what they want to believe. (smile)
    You might know, but in case not, his brother Tommy was second team All-State in football and first team in baseball for the 1961-62 school year. Phil might count on aging (pre-Internet to verify) memories recalling that vaguely and attributing to him.

  2. From Mary Palmer Strange:That last quote from your friend ... priceless! lol

  3. From Harlan Alexander: "This is the west sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend" -- Maxwell Scott, from the 1962 movie "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"... lol

  4. From Peggy Hartnoll Withers: Thanks for the truth.

  5. From Joe Ferguson: I can’t believe that you wrote this story. It’s almost like taking Santa Claus out of Christmas.

    1. Written by a hater, just because Phil is conservative and a Christian. I go with Bradshaw's version. It's in his book Looking Deep written before Phil was at all famous

  6. From Ruben Ruiz: Good for you. Proud that you did that.
    I've never watched a single second of Duck Dynasty.

  7. From Anne Griffin: This is such a great putdown of a full-of-himself guy. ... It's about time that truth stood up.
    I admire you for telling the truth about Phil Robertson, though Tech has done much of the same with other famous people/big donors. However, Robertson seems as eager as Tech to hone his athletic accomplishments.

  8. From Ross Montelbano: The best cover that I can give the Robertson clan is to say the Lord works in strange and mysterious ways. Clearly there are multiple lies being told. Just wondering, what kind of responses did you get? Were there any defenders that try to make excuses or even denials?

  9. From Danny G. Norris: Thanks for setting the record straight about Phil R. Have nothing personal against him but having been there (Tech), I never really believed all that I heard but I never put forth any effort to prove/disprove the tales. I don't believe that his religious, political or social ideologies are inclusive of people of different races, religions, political leanings that differ from what he views as being right. I enjoyed the read and appreciate your willingness to reveal the "Paul Harvey" or the "rest of the story."

  10. From Thomas Aswell: It is so good to see someone who was a peer and who tracked his career as I did (I was sports editor of the Ruston Daily Leader just before Buddy [Davis] came along -- Tom Kelly made him sports editor when I left to go to the Monroe Morning World -- and finally had the courage to out him for the fraud he was -- and is.
    I remember watching Phil play against Southern Mississippi at State Fair Stadium and he and freshman Bradshaw combined for seven interceptions. Scott Rodgers used to make fun of Phil when he would imitate him by dropping back and throwing a bullet ... into the ground six feet in front of me.
    I've been telling anyone who would listen for years that he didn't quit the Tech team because he preferred duck hunting; he quit because he saw the handwriting on the wall and it said: Bradshaw.
    Thanks for writing the piece.

  11. From Mike Harper: Enjoyed your story about the Robertsons. A couple of years ago I looked at his LA Tech stats ... pretty dismal.
    Also, I guess you know they stiffed the I-Bowl folks on their sponsorship several years ago.

  12. From Gary (on Thomas Aswell's "Louisiana Voice" blog): WOW! This really goes to the top of the “Who gives a crap” list. The author seems to have a real ax to grind here. Oh well. Interesting read nonetheless.

    1. From Thomas Aswell: First of all, don’t be so crass. Second, I know Nico and he has no axe to grind. He just doesn’t like hypocrisy.

  13. From Hank (on Thomas Aswell's "Louisiana Voice" blog: Terry Bradshaw is the one who brought up what a great ball player Phil was on the Tonight Show. Jay Leno (it was that far back) brought up the topic that they played football in college together and it was Terry who said he (Terry) was 2nd string to Phil and what a great player he was, he could have gone pro, etc. Terry was very matter of fact and Jay was all amazed and saying things like “I can’t believe it!.”
    Why you think your playing Blue’s Clues & speculation is better than Terry Bradshaw’s own words I have no idea.

    1. From Thomas Aswell: What would you expect Terry to say—“He quit because I was going to blow him out of the water”? That’s not Bradshaw’s style. He’s much too considerate to be that blunt but the truth is, that’s exactly what was going to happen. I was sports editor for the Ruston Daily Leader at the time and covered both of them and it was obvious who the quarterback was going to be.
      Terry was just being nice.

  14. From Bud Daniels (on Thomas Aswell's "Louisiana Voice" blog): Of course, if Phil has liberal views and opinions, supported liberal democrats, I doubt any of us would be reading this. Because he has conservative values and takes conservative positions he is a target for such as this!! Plain and simple!!!

    1. From Buck Turgidson
      Well….no, it’s mostly because he has consistently misrepresented his athletic history, all while profession to be this big Christian—all to bolster his personal reputation—and his bank account. That kinda makes him a hypocrite who attracts the likes of you.
      As for his self-righteous beliefs that he would impose on everyone else, yeah, well, you’re probably right, so deal with it.

  15. From Stephen Winham (on Thomas Aswell's "Louisiana Voice" blog): The duck people are laughing all the way to the bank. I never understood their appeal and I don’t buy duck calls so Phil and the others have no relevance to my life. To me everything in the image they present for public consumption seems fake, so why would Phil’s athletic prowess be an exception. They apparently made their millions being legends a substantial number or people believed; this same tactic seems to have propelled a certain spoiled brat bully into the White House. And, lest we forget, until he crashed and burned they were bigtime Jindalites.

  16. I played golf for Joe Aillet from 1966 to 1970. I knew Nico and respected him. His article is exactly correct. I could tell many stories regarding a comparison between Phil and Terry other than to say everything Nico said is right.
    Geoff Kimbrough
    Louisiana Tech class of 1970

  17. You are ignorant of the facts. Even Bradshaw has spoken well of Phil's ability on the football field. Stop being a salty hater because your values are at odds with Phil.
