Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Get over it, and move on

      Hope you are having a good morning, and are looking forward to the next four years.
      Because if you're not, what are you going to do? Move to Mexico? Australia? Canada? I can tell you from personal experience that Holland is a nice place to live ... if you like cold weather.
      Thank goodness, the election is over. Let's get back to more important things, like football.
       If your Presidential candidate didn't win last night, it's time to move on. Stop the whining, the complaining, the nasty remarks. Get over it.
       This is, in part, a continuation of my "Have Faith" blog of Aug. 26 when I pointed out how sick I was of all the political posts on Facebook, and how many of those I had turned off because they turned me off.
        I didn't turn off enough of them. I watched the posts during the three Presidential debates, the (critical) comments on seemingly each remark by both candidates, and how people declared one or the other candidate the "winner" of each debate.
        Here's my judgment: President Obama won only debate that counts -- at the polls, in the Electoral College.
         I'll estimate that probably 75-80 percent of the people on my e-mail list and people on my Facebook "friends" list do not support what I support. But I intended to write this piece no matter how this election came out.
          I assure my old friends who supported Gov. Romney, a decent man who fought hard and made it a closer race than it looked as if it was going to be, that this country won't fold up, won't go broke, won't be fighting forces from other nations invading our territory, hopefully won't have to deal with terrorists attacks.
          Paint a doomsday picture, if you want. I just can't think that way.
          After you read this, and you want to set me straight, do so. Just don't expect me to get in a debate with you about politics. I refuse. I'm not out to win the popular vote here.
           You can call me a Socialist, or a Communist, or whatever. If you think I lean toward being a liberal or you call me a Democrat, you might be in the ballpark. I'm not willing to ever support a party that gave us Richard M. Nixon. Some things we don't forget.
           I just keep hearing the same tired arguments, the same reason a lot of people I grew up with despised John F. Kennedy before he was assassinated and martyred; despised Lyndon B. Johnson;   thought Jimmy Carter was inept, despised Bill Clinton -- yes, the brilliant guy with the Monica problem and also the guy who gave us some balanced budgets.
           Those same people who thought Barry Goldwater was going to be a great President and believed Ronald Reagan was (and maybe he was). And thought -- think -- George W. Bush was a big hero. Two words: two wars. Katrina bungler. Financial mess (pass it on). Baseball fan (I like that one).
           And now they despise Barack Obama, and anything he stands for. Sadly, one reason they do is because his skin is darker.
           Obama, who is as popular at the end of his first term as ... Clinton and Bush were. Both of the Bush presidents, in fact.
           Can't tell you Obama has been an effective leader; wish he could have gotten more accomplished.  Can tell you that he's had a part of Congress that has fought him every step of the way, from the very start.
           Hopefully, now our national leaders will find solutions; that those people in Congress who frustrate us with their stalemate and their inability -- or unwillingness -- to compromise will find a way to keep the government from falling off the financial cliff,
         All the criticism, all the whining, all the downright mean remarks and cartoons and photos that I've seen over the past year and a half I've been on Facebook don't do anything for civility.
         We spent much of the eight years of the previous administration feeling the same way, and we were as critical as the other side has been the past four years. But you know what? We're still here, we're still OK. And we will be four years from now.
         I know -- having started my life in another part of the world -- how great it is to be an American, to live in this country, with all its faults, and with all its bounties.
        I intend to keep a positive attitude, to believe that we live in the greatest place in the world, and it's going to remain that way. Whether you like it or not. Let's move forward.


  1. Politics is a game, and the dems play it better than the reps. Unfortunately, we the people have to live with the outcome.

    It is also a popularity contest (you said yourself that Obama was "as Clinton or Bush"). It shouldn't be about who is more popular or "cooler." Save that for American Idol and Dancing With the Stars.

    You can never vote for a party that gave us Richard Nixon. I can never vote for a party the gave us Bill Clinton - or more importantly a party the supports the killing of babies in their mothers' wombs. Not now. Not ever.

    That being said, I'm finished talking and writing about politics for a few years. I applaud your optimism. But I fear you're wrong about not having to worry about terrorist attacts. And I worry what will happen to Israel if we don't come to theis aid. Meanwhile I'll move on.

  2. Nico,

    The only comment I can make is the lesser of the two evils did not win. We need better choices. And for the record, I thought JFK was one of the better Presidents we have had. I like to think I am an independent and have voted for both Elephants and Donkeys over the many years. I moved on yesterday and did not watch a minute of the returns because it really didn't make any difference as far as I could see. Keep up the excellent bogs, but stick to the great sports writings my friend.....Ron

    1. Stick to sports writing. Best idea I've seen all day.

  3. From Bud Dean: My sentiment too. I do not do Facebook, but my wife does and it drives her up a wall to read all of the idiotic, irresponsible posts about “doom and gloom.” Well said, my friend.

  4. From Shellye Abington Cooper: I respect your right to support Obama and hope you are right that we will survive the next four years. I don't think we will or that my grandchildren will grow up in a free America. I also believe Isreal will be sacrificed to Palestine or bombed by Iran...and we will do nothing. Libya has taught us that Obama does not care to save even Americans in danger in the mid-east and he ceertainly will not stand by Isreal. I am deeply saddened, but when Obamacare is fully operational and the death panals established and when the "revenge" begins I, along with the 75-80% of your email list will be eliminated anyway.

  5. From Jim Robinson: Sorry, but I know it will not matter. Even though I have enjoyed most of you articles about Woodlawn and Sunset Acres, I will not accept the statement that you made in you blog about the subject not being up for debate or discussion. Yes I am a Republican, because I am a retired military disabled veteran that is tired of the Democrats in Congress, wanting to tax my military retirements benefits more than they already do, and make me pay for health care, that I was supposed to be entitled to for the rest of my life for no charge. I will no longer be following you opinions and stories.

  6. From Maxie Hays: I certainly don't like it but I will move on. What else can I do? The alternatives are not too good either. And, by the way, a lot of people out there voted for Obama BECAUSE of the color of his skin. I'm sure that he is a very good person but he IS NOT a good leader. Hope he proves me wrong.

  7. From Doug Bland: Great comment about us whining and that we need to remember how lucky we are to be an American. One thing I do have to take issue with you is your comment: "I'm not willing to ever support a party that gave us Richard M. Nixon. Some things we don't forget." One thing I've noticed with myself is that as I got older the more I became set in my ways. The world is changing so rapidly, and not always for the good, that we have to keep our minds open to change. The political parties of today will probably not be the same next year. To close your mind to a party because of what they did 44 years ago is not what America is about. We as voters have to take a good portion of the blame for what is and has happened to our country. We elect people that tell us what they are going to do "for us" which is not necessarily whats good for the country. I don't think our founding fathers would be very happy with us and what we've managed to do with our country. I don't think Congress would recognize the word compromise if they read it out of the dictionary. Its do what I want to get elected and I'll do what you want so you'll get elected between our congressmen not compromise. Didn't mean to do a mini blog. Keep them coming.

  8. From Ken Sins: Two of my great passions are sports and politics. There are many similarities, as you know, especially the part about keeping score. Monday Morning Quarterbacking is part of the game. So here, in my humble opinion, are some of the reasons Mitt Romney is not our President.
    How to lose a presidential election: run a plotocratic, unlikeable 1 percenter candidate who can't keep his hoof out of his mouth; face a candidate that people really think has made an honest effort to do his best despite obstructionist tactics by the other party; alienate women, Latinos and African-Americans; lie about the President's record, especially in battleground states like Ohio; refuse to define your positions on just about every issue; refuse to release your tax returns, knowing that if you did, you would be exposed as a cheat who has parked his money overseas and hasn't paid his fair share; get caught denigrating 47 percent of the voters; have zero foreign policy chops. And that's only a partial list.
    So why, one might ask, did Mitt Romney manage to attract at least 56 million voters? Some were GOP true believers, I'll concede that. But there was also a certain percentage (can't be calculated, of course) that hate Barack Obama strictly for racial reasons. There are some in the Deep South still fighting the Civil War, who believe those who aren't totally white are inferior. Just my opinion, but I experienced that attitude quite often when I lived in Texas. Here's the bottom line, however: We made our positions known at the ballot box and we should feel good that we have that right. Here in Washington state, initiatives legalizing pot and gay marriage both easily passed. I love living in a Blue State.

  9. From Jerry Byrd: You're absolutely right. The election is over and it is time to move on. When Barbara and I voted, I felt that the liberal national media had stacked the deck in Obama's favor, and that is exactly what happened. We survived the last four years; hopefully, we'll survive the next four.

  10. From Don Birkelbach: Not as liberal as u are, but I could not agree with you more. Great blog.

  11. From Gerry Robichaux: Right on Nico. Well said. LET'S move on!

  12. From Bill Smith: We can still be friends and disagree. The USA has really put themselves in a real mess now. It's just going to get worse.

  13. Nico, I was over the election the moment I voted. Did my job and that's all I could do. What do I know about politics. I still think Jimmy Carter was a great man. Oh, by the way, unincorporated Clay County can now buy alcohol Sunday morning. Good news for Jags' tailgaters. But, I just can't move on. I have a knot in my stomach that won't go away. It's like a recurring nightmare ... Just over a minute to play, LSU has the lead, but Bama has the ball and is driving. Tell me ... how do I get over that?

  14. From Dee Bustillo: Your latest blog on the election was excellent. I couldn't agree more. It's time to get over it and move on!

  15. From Leo Van Thyn: I have always enjoyed following American politics. They’re so much more interesting than Canadian politics. The political spectrum is much wider in the U.S. than it is in Canada. As such I watched the election results with great interest on CNN (very statistically analytical), CBC (Canadian opinions), and FOX (Romney central). I knew that when FOX declared the election in favour of Obama that it was safe to go to bed. By the way, reports indicated here that were these two gentlemen to have run in Canada, Obama would have won with a huge plurality.
    I was greatly interested in the opinions of a Dutch-Jewish born, Louisiana-raised, Texas resident who happens to be passionate about sports and is related to me. I enjoyed your opinions and knew about three-fourths of the way through the blog that I was equally keen to read the responses you received. After reading those opinions –- I hope some are wrong -– it made me think of sports reporters. As soon as a team loses a compelling game, the reporter is immediately there and shoves a microphone in his face wanting to get an emotional response rather than waiting a while and getting a more calm and reasoned response. Forgive the analogy, but your blog was that microphone in the face of folks who were still emotional over the loss of the election.
    To some, I guess, it’s OK if you write about your family or beloved sports figures, but if you wander into politics or religion, it’s a whole different ballgame (ouch). Others will always tell you that you’re entitled to your opinion, just don’t share it if it doesn’t support their opinions. It is easier to argue over the relative merits of Tony Romo, or even to strenuously argue whether Tom Landry was the best coach ever, than it is to argue with someone who might choose to argue about abortion from the perspective of killing babies over the rights of women.
    In any case, I appreciate your insights. Canada is a great country and I love living here. However, I also recognize that the U.S. a great country and am very comfortable that my youngest child chooses to live there.
    One more thing. You write, “...... are looking forward to the next four years. Because if you're not, what are you going to do? Move to Mexico? Australia? Canada?”
    Please, not Canada. We have enough ultra conservative folks who spend most of their time pointing out what’s wrong with society and telling us why we should fear so many things.
    Keep writing.
